My dream is that this will be the last time I make artwork in resistance against the brutal war waged on Ukraine by the Russian War machine.


 Some of us are incensed by injustice in a big way. I remember my mother consoling me when I would run into the house to tell her of some slight between siblings that felt like a mortal wound… “it’s not fair!”, I would wail as she gently wiped away my snot-laden tears.

I’m just that way, as are many of us humans. We feel things!

The war in Ukraine is the quintessential example of universal injustice and unfairness. It’s hard to disagree that Russia and its maniacal leader have wielded a grave and vicious hammer on an autonomous culture with one arrogant pretense after another. Who invaded who?...A Special Military Operation? I call BS!

Since the war began in February of 2022, I have launched one promotion after another to my collectors and followers, trying to generate sales and therefore donations for Ukrainian relief organizations. I’ve sent art-sales money to World Central Kitchen, Doctors Without Borders, UNICEF, and Project Hope, among others.  A virtual pebble in the pond.

Now, I would like to introduce you to what I hope is my last big fundraising effort for Ukraine. It’s my own original reduction woodcut print, edition of 9 with 1 artist proof, and the title is ‘Dochka Ukrayiny’ in Ukrainian, or Daughter of Ukraine.

The handprint is a culmination of a  design research project that I took on by listening to the fascinating Haptic and Hue  podcast episode 6/46 (link below) about eastern European embroidery and particularly the tradition of Ukrainian embroidery. From there I traveled to Google Arts and Culture and searched ‘Ukrainian embroidery’ and there it was,  the motherload of images, photographs, and family portraits of Ukrainians in traditional folk dress, both male and female, that always included rich hand stitched embroidery.

Yes, it is an eastern European tradition but it’s also a timeless archetype of many cultures expressing their identity through dress and adornment. One can expand one’s vision to include Mexico, Central America, Russia, and native peoples from many lands.   

The Dochka Ukrayiny  edition (link below) will be sold to art collectors and Ukraine supporters unframed. Each sale will extract $900 of the total price for a carefully selected Ukrainian relief organization. There are 9 signed and numbered  prints in the edition and one Artist Proof. The #1/9 will be framed and on view at my favorite gallery, Mixx Atelier, in Telluride, Colorado.  The rest of the edition will be available unframed,  and may be viewed and purchased through Mixx Atelier. (link below) It will be shipped to you in a sturdy shipping tube and you can enjoy selecting your custom framing from a local source.

All the links are listed below for further information and your own interest.

This is what I can do. I may not have the income stream to make a sizeable cash donation on my own, but I can work intentionally to create something beautiful and meaningful that will acknowledge the cultural victims in this vicious war and at the same time, generate revenue. Yes, the Russians suffer too, but the destruction is taking place on a land that is of itself, and democratic, and free from the control of Russia.

Detailed images and information can be found here( under construction) on my website.

Enjoy my newest artwork and thank you all for your support, your comments, and your appreciation.



Haptic and Hue, series 6, episode 46






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